About the International Diabetes Center
The International Diabetes Center (IDC) at Park Nicollet is located in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. It is a not-for-profit organization with approximately 75 full-time staff. Founded in 1967 to promote patient-centered care, professional education and translational research, the IDC conducts programs worldwide.
Clinical research is a key component of the International Diabetes Center’s work. This has included landmark research studies such as the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes Study (ACCORD), as well as numerous other studies that examine the efficacy of new drugs and devices and groundbreaking work demonstrating the important roles that dietitians and diabetes nurse specialists have in diabetes care. Results of this work and extensive clinical experience are the foundation of its evidence-based approaches to education and care.
For additional assistance or information, please contact:
Jane Norstrom
International Diabetes Center
Phone: 952-993-3934